“Cake Cabaret is an evolution of The Pink Studio brand. It’s a place where we celebrate performance and community”.

Natalie Borch, Co-Founder, The Pink Studio & Cake Cabaret

The Story of Cake Cabaret

The Pink Studio’s next step

What began as The Pink Studio—a place to dance, move, and embrace confidence—has inspired us to open Cake Cabaret. Born from the same spirit of empowerment and fun, Cake wants to put a spotlight on all the incredible talent we have in Toronto.

Our journey began with the mission to inspire confidence and body-acceptance, through movement and fitness, and our Pink Studio community has embodied that to the max. We are so inspired by everyone at the studio, and we saw that there is such a desire to perform! We wanted to create a space that felt safe and inspiring just like Pink Studio, while giving even more opportunities to perform and create together.

Cake Cabaret is the embodiment of that vision. Here, we celebrate the people who are boldly putting themselves out there, the creative minds who work in artistic spaces, and the people in Toronto who want to support the arts.

Thank you for your support; we are so happy you’re here.

- Natalie & Grant, Co-Founders